Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Operating Instructions for the management of accidents and near-accidents in the National System Network for Environmental Protection


Document produced by the interagency center "Hygiene and Safety at Work" which the network of representatives of the Workplace Safety, Line 8, D1 Area of ​​the National System for network activities for Environmental Protection (SNPA).

The working group that developed the manual consists of ARPAT as a coordinating agency and ARPAE, ARPA FVG, ARPAL and ARPA Lombardia.

It is an operative procedure aimed at guiding, program, plan and evaluate the effectiveness of measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, through the systematic collection and use of integrated information on accidents and near accidents (in accordance with standards technical UNI 7249: 2007), occurred during the performance of work activities of the Environmental Protection Agencies.

This new revision (march 2017) of the document adds, in particular, the management of information on accidents in the activities in procurement and management of anomalous exposures.

The main recipients of the manual are the subject of the SNPA that deal with detection, reporting, evaluation, implementation of the consequent corrective and preventive measures, monitoring and control of injuries at work, typically Employers, Managers and Operators of preventive services and protection under Legislative Decree no. 81/08, and / or other administrative staff depending on the internal organization of individual agencies.

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Handbooks and guidelines