Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


6th Workshop: Research and application of ecotoxicological methods in aquatic environments and contaminated matrices

The 6th workshop "Research, methodologies and practical applications in aquatic environments and contaminated matrices"(Livorno, 11-13 November 2014), was mainly focused on the aspect of ecotoxicology as a management tool both in environmental emergencies, both in routine controls . The sessions were: emerging contaminants or future emergencies (nanomaterials, microplastics, algal toxins, alien species, etc.); application of ecotoxicology in regulatory areas including the hazardous characteristic of wastes (H14) and REACH; new methods of ecotoxicological investigation; ecotoxicology in environmental controls and emergencies. The workshop has been quite successful, with the presentation of 107 contributions (62 and 45 poster communications) and a big crowd during the 3 days. We report the proceedings of the workshop, composed of extended abstracts authorized for publication by the authors. However the content may be further updated with additional papers.

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