Men and reasosns. the 150years of the Italian Geology. Proceedings of Session F4 GeoItalia 2011. VIII Italian Forum of Sciences of Earth

The Forum is held in Turin Geoitalia 2011, the first capital of the unified State, 150 years after the unification of Italy: so also the geology celebrates its 150 years of united Italy, reflecting on his identity as deeply connected to the knowledge of the territory, its resources and its evolution. The session "Men and reasons: the 150 years of the italian geology ," is dedicated to the commitment of the Italian geologists - already very active before the country, in 1861, reached the political and administrative units . The evolution of disciplines in this period have helped to understand and describe the structure of the country, to change the approach to the dynamics of the territory, monitoring the changes, who followed in the period and the debates that have accompanied the evolution of diagnostic tools and the interpretation and prediction of phenomena, The voulme is also a moment of reflection not only on the role that the Italian geological community played in promoting the unification of Italy, but also about why it was not held after due consideration, often with serious consequences for the country. This fact produced obvious consequences of lack of planning unit of land in spite of the foreground. The volume, which is set according to the chronological order of topics, publishes some valuable contributions, out of session, which was considered not to have to miss this scene commemorating 150 years of geology unit. The geological mapping, synthesis of knowledge on the territory, is the common link from 1700's until today and the authors guide us in the history of geology and the characters who wrote.