Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Technical seminar ISPRA/ARPA/APPA

Towards the Seveso III: experiences of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) in execution of Legislative Decree n. 334/99

Summary report

This Report contains a synthesis of the presentations, the speeches, and part of the proposals come up during the Roundtable of the Technical Seminar which took place on June 12th 2014. The Seminar represented a comparison among the SNPA (ISPRA and ARPAs) activities in the implementation of Legislative Decree no. 334/99 (Seveso II) evolved into the Directive 2012/18/UE on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, commonly known as the Seveso III, going to become law on June 2015.

Many experts took part in the Seminar from the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, the  National Fire Brigades (CNVVF), the Department of Civil Protection, INAIL, the Regions and the Universities of Bologna and Pisa.

The Seminar revealed also the critical aspects and the technical challenges about the controls on the major-accident hazards related to the implementation of Legislative Decree no. 334/99 and innovations introduced by the Seveso III Directive.

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