Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Benefits and incentives at local level for EMAS and EU Ecolabel implementation. Analysis of the state of the art, evaluation of effectiveness and best practices

The report presents the state of the art of measures issued by Italian public authorities at local level to support EMAS registered organizations and EU Ecolabel certified products. On the basis of the adopted local incentives, simulations between different regional situations are presented, good practices are identified and regional disparities are detected, in order to allow dissemination of the best practices and to even disparities.

Finally, the report contains further analysis of the different types of facilitative measures adopted, in the form of specific information sheet, defining the effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses in order to provide useful information from an operational point of view to decision makers.

The analysis shows the importance of devoting proper efforts at both regional and national levels to promote integrative interventions in support of the adoption of benefits having following requirements: easy implementation, long term duration and sustainable for regional budgets.

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