Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Practical guidance to assess and prepare SEA documents

The guidance is divided into two sections: the first section provides checklists to support the assessment of the SEA documents, the second section provides practical guidance for the proponents to support the preparation of the SEA documents. The documents are : the preliminary report for the screening procedure,  the scoping report, the environmental report. The check-lists and guidance to prepare documents are divided into forms that, where possible, refer to the contents provided by Legislative Decree no. 152/2006. Each form shows information that should be provided in the related SEA document and notes with explanations and / or depth informations. In the forms of the checklist there are also the guiding questions (indicative and not exhaustive) to support the assessment.

The "Guidance" contributes to the objective of harmonizing the operating methods adopted by the National Systemfor Environmental Protection in reference to applications of SEA.

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Handbooks and guidelines