Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Explorative survey on the initiatives aiming at the prevention, monitoring and mitigation of impacts of invasive alien species in Italy

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The report presents the results of a survey conducted by ISPRA in agreement with the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and in collaboration with ARPA Liguria, ARPA Tuscany and ARPA Sicily, aimed at highlighting the activities carried out in Italy to address the problem of invasive alien species, which are now among the main threats to biodiversity. The survey confirmed the lack of an effective system of prevention. Relatively more effort is put in place through the activities of control, containment and mitigation, to resolve critical situations caused by invasive alien species already established. The institutions were most involved universities and Protected Areas, followed by the provinces. The survey intended to complement similar initiatives on the issue and make available to the various competent administrations of the resulting picture, even in support of subsequent corrective and supplementary.

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