Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Italian coastal dune habitats: ecology and conservation issues

This volume is the outcome of a collaboration between the ISPRA Nature Protection Department and the Science Department of the Roma 3 University. The volume provides a synthesis of current knowledge on the Italian sand dune habitats and of the plant species typical of these environments, with the aim of providing a useful tool for the protection and management of these highly threatened ecosystems at a national and European scale. The study summarizes the ecological and geomorphological features of coastal dunes (chap.1) and describes in the form of descriptive sheets both the Italian dune habitats of community interest (Directive 92/43/CEE) (chap.2) and the main psammophilous plant species (chap.3). The habitat/species sheets report: nomenclature, classification, ecology, distribution, chorology, specific pressures, conservation status and trends, with photographs and original iconography. Lastly habitat and species monitoring are considered including also major threats and conservation actions (chap.4).

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978-88-448-0698-9 Riproduction