Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Legal and Policy Aspects Relevant for the Ships’ Ballast Water Management in the Adriatic Sea Area. BALMAS Project Final Report

Which are the main implications of the new global rules on the control and management of the transfers of harmful aquatic organisms and species through ships’ ballast water operations?

And which the main issues that are common to countries bordering the Adriatic Sea for related implementation? Starting from September 2017, the entry into force of the Ballast Water Management Convention (London 2004) will require Parties big efforts in terms of information, management and compliance, particularly relevant in order to protect marine vulnerable areas such as the Adriatic Sea basin.

The report includes a review of the international, European Union and Mediterranean legal acts referring to alien and invasive species and identifies the main common challenges ahead for the BWM Convention implementation at the regional level, based on the findings of the BALMAS Project (2012-2016), funded by the European Union IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme.

Download the publication (pdf - 27 mb)
