Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


National monitoring of pesticides in water. Data refered to 2007 - 2008

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ISPRA, carrying out the activities started by APAT in 2003, realised the national report on the presence of pesticides in water, in ordert to provide information on a regular basis on the quality of water resources in relation to the risks of these substances. The realization of the report is the result of a complex activity that involves Regions and Environmental Regional Agencies, carrying out investigations on the territory to transmit the collected data to ISPRA, which in turn is responsible for technical direction, evaluation and reporting of information. The report presents the results of the national monitoring on pesticides in surface water and groundwater carried out in the Years 2007 - 2008. It also shows the evolution of the regional controls occurred over the years, and the main issues raised during the investigation.

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N. 114/2010