Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Dir 2000/60/CE Monitoring networks and reporting” concerning Italian implementation of Dir 2000/60/EC (WFD)

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Main results from a surveying conducted by a team work of National Environmental Agency System (ARPA/APPA) “Dir 2000/60/CE Monitoring networks and reporting” concerning Italian implementation of Dir 2000/60/EC (WFD) are here reported.Collected information allowed to give a whole picture of implementation status for the considered water typologies (inland surface waters (rivers and lakes), transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater) as well as for the related operative phases (type-specific characterization, surface water bodies identification, risk analysis, monitoring networks definition, monitoring programs preparation, metrics calculation set for quality status classification, reporting).Furthermore, it has been emphasize the involvement level reached among ARPA/APPA’s, either working as independent or in cooperation with other institutions, in the frame work process of WFD implementation.

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N. 150/2011