Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Urban Wastes Report - Edition 2009

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The Urban Waste Report,  has achievied the 12th edition which  is the results of  complex activities carried out by Ispra, which includes collecting, analysis and elaboration data, that confirms the commitment of the Institute to spread information and knowledge to the public about an important sector such as urban waste.

By means of effective and complete cognitive system on waste, that provides all the information, always updated, to support strategies and policies based on the objective reality and to monitor the efficace and the consequent achievement of targets, introducing, if necessary, possible corrective actions.

The Report 2009 analyzes the production and management of urban wastes in 2008, the production system of packing, monitor the right application of the experimental urban  tariff and the economic  analysis of management costs of the integrated cycle of urban wastes.

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N. 108/2010