- Survey on the implementation of EMAS in the Italian clusters
Reports 166 / 2012
- Analysis of air quality regional plans for 2009
Reports 165 / 2012
- Consolidation measures of air quality related to the residential and commercial sector
Reports 164 / 2012
- Urban Waste Report 2012
Reports 163 / 2012
- Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2010. Informative Inventory Report 2012
Reports 161 / 2012
- Lead in ammunition: problems and possible solutions
Reports 158 / 2012
- Intercomparison on the taxonomic identification of benthic diatoms in surface waters and on the application of the ICMi method (Intercalibration Common Metric Index)
Reports 157 / 2012
- Test battery for the ecotoxicological characterization of wastes: state of the art
Reports 156 / 2012
- Report on Special Waste
Reports 155 / 2012
- Quality standards for freshwater sediments. Criteria and proposal
Reports N. 154 / 2011
- Contributions for the protection of the biodiversity of wetlands
Reports N. 153 / 2011
- The ecological network planning in the inland valleys and coastal plains: the Ofanto river basin in the north area of Puglia (Bari district)
Reports N. 152 / 2011
- Methodological guidance for the Environmental Agencies to implement plans/programs monitoring according to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
Reports N. 151 / 2011
- Dir 2000/60/CE Monitoring networks and reporting” concerning Italian implementation of Dir 2000/60/EC (WFD)
Reports N. 150 / 2011
- Spills of petroleum products: security and control of maritime transport
Reports N. 149 / 2011
- Microalga O. ovata monitoring. Year 2010
Reports N. 148 / 2011
- The effects of atmospheric pollution on cultural property in Rome
Reports N. 147 / 2011
- PM10 - apply the limit values for PM10
Reports N. 145 / 2011
- Modeling activities of environmental noise in Italian Environmental Protection Agencies
Reports N. 144 / 2011