- Intercomparison IC001
Reports 49 / 2005
- Report on biological agriculture
Reports 48 / 2005
- Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2002
Reports 47 / 2005
- Athmospheric depositions sensitivity: Critical loads of acidity and eutrophication
Reports 04 / 2005
- Waste Report 2005
Reports 2005
- Map of the nature and biodiversity in the protected natural areas: the National Park "Dolomiti Bellunesi"
Reports 46 / 2004
- The protection of wild species (flora and fauna) in the Alps Convention
Reports 45 / 2004
- Genetically Modified Plants and the Environment
Reports 44 / 2004
- Prevenzione e riduzione integrate dell'inquinamento (IPPC) (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - IPPC)
Reports 43 / 2004
- The works for safety of the industrial area of Priolo-Augusta in comparison to the earthquake risks and seaquake
Reports 41 / 2004
- Habitats according to the Eunis nomenclature: manual of classification for the Italian reality
Reports 39 / 2004
- Publications Catalogue 2004
Reports 2004
- Waste Report 2004
Reports 2004
- The Industrial Cycle of Electric Furnace Iron in Italy
Reports 38 / 2003
- Evaluation of the environmental impact of important accidents
Reports 36 / 2003
- Emergency activity by APAT following floods and seismic activity
Reports 35 / 2003