Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research



Report on Waste from Economics Activities 2022. Summary data
Reports   368/bis / 2022
Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2022. Summary Data
Reports   368 / 2022
Report on Waste from Economic Activities - 2022
The Report on Waste from Economic Activities, now in its twenty-first edition, is the result of a complex activity of collection, analysis and processing of data by the National Centre for Waste and Circular Economy of ISPRA, with the contribution of regional and provincial Environmental Protection Agencies. The Report implements a specific task required by article 189, of legislative decree. n. 152 of 3th April 2006. The conference, in the presence of the ministry, represents an opportunity for discussion with the main stakeholders on how the waste management system has reacted is reacting to the Covid-19 emergency and how it is getting ready for the enormous challenges of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan PNRR.
Reports   367 / 2022
Efficiency and decarbonization indicators for total energy consumption and power sector. Comparison among Italy and the biggest European countries
Efficiency and decarbonization indicators updated to 2020 have been analyzed in relation to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The 2020 is the benchmark year to verify the EU's climate and energy targets established with the Climate and Energy Package. Moreover, in 2020 the Covid-19 emergency has heavily affected the European countries’ economy and GHG emissions.
Reports   366 / 2022
Risk assessment criteria for priority setting of the remediation interventions
ISPRA, as required by the legislation (Art. 199 - paragraph 6, letter a) of Legislative Decree 152/06), has started the activities of developing risk assessment criteria as a national reference for the Regional Plans for the Remediation of Polluted Areas (PRBs). This report illustrates the activities conducted in the first phase (phase 1), in which national priority criteria are first identified, to apply to potentially contaminated sites, with the support of the Technical Table, set up with Regions and ARPA, starting with the reconnaissance of criteria available at national and international level.
Reports   365 / 2022
Intercomparison on the taxonomy of freshwater benthic diatoms (2020-2021)
In the continuation of a collaboration between the Environmental Agencies of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Lombardy, the University of Turin and ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection), this report contains the results of an interlaboratory comparison aimed at assessing the performance of the participating laboratories in the taxonomic identification of benthic diatoms in surface water bodies
Reports   364 / 2022
Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italian energy and power sector
National trends of energy and economic indicators have been analyzed in relation to greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Particular attention was paid to the electricity sector, one of the main players in the national energy system. The role of factors determining greenhouse gas emission trends has been analyzed, such as economic growth, fossil and renewable fuels composition, transformation efficiency, and fossil fuel emission factors. With regard to electricity sector, the emission factors of greenhouse gases and other atmospheric contaminants have been elaborated.
Reports   363 / 2022
Italian Greenhouse Gas Emissions at the end of Kyoto Protocol second commitment period: emissions reduction target and energy efficiency
The report describes the greenhouse gas emissions and removals in Italy, at the end of the second period of the Kyoto Protocol, based on the data officially transmitted in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and the Mechanism of Greenhouse Gas Monitoring of the European Union
Reports   362 / 2022
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2020. Informative Inventory Report 2022
The report describes the reporting of emissions of transboundary substances that Italy officially communicates in accordance with the requirements of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CRLTAP/UNECE) and relevant Protocols. Information on the Italian inventory up to the year 2020 is provided, including an explanation of methodologies, data sources, QA/QC activities and verification processes carried out during the inventory compilation, with an analysis of emission trends and a description of key categories.
Reports   361 / 2022
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2020. National Inventory Report 2022
The report describes the reporting of emissions of greenhouse gases that Italy officially communicates in accordance with the requirements of the United Nation Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, and the European Union’s Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism.
Reports   360 / 2022
Report on municipal waste - Summary data
The Edition 2022 of the Municipal Waste Report provides data (reference year 2021) concerning municipal waste generation, separate collection and management at national, regional and provincial level as well as data on import/export of municipal waste.
Reports   2022
The Environmental Damage in Italy: activities of the SNPA and framework of actions 2019-2020
Edition 2021 The environmental damage represents an issue in which the SNPA network, operators, local authorities and all public and private stakeholders face the challenge of a matter and procedures constantly evolving.
Reports   359 / 2021
Moving to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for UNFCCC reporting
In the framework of the international climate negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), transparency arrangements play an essential role. Information gathered are critical to driving the increased action required to meet the goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees, pursuing efforts to 1.5, as well as to build confidence in the system and mutual trust among nations.
Reports   358 / 2021
Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2020. Working Programme ISPRA/ARPA: Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms along the italian coasts
Reports   357 / 2021
Landslides and floods in Italy: hazard and risk indicators – 2021 Edition
The 2021 edition of the Report, the third dedicated to this topic, provides the updated overview on landslide and flood hazard, coastal erosion in Italy and presents the risk indicators related to population, families, buildings, industries and services, and cultural heritage.
Reports   356 / 2021
Carta della Natura (Map of Nature) of the Emilia-Romagna Region: habitat cartography and assessment at 1:25,000 scale
This report describes the activities and methodologies that led to the creation of the 1:25,000 scale Map of Nature of the Emilia-Romagna region, which is now published.
Reports   354 / 2021
Report on flood hazard conditions in Italy and associated risk indicators
This Report provides an insight into the flood hazard and risk conditions in Italy in the framework of the hydraulic and geological risk assessment, in which floods are undoubtedly the most significant component in terms of both flood event extension and impacts.
Reports   353 / 2021
Emissions Trading Scheme in Italy and in the biggest European Countries
The report analyses the GHG emissions from the stationary installations belonging to the EU emissions trading system (EU-ETS). The analysis of energy consumption has been carried out for the Italian activity sectors. The results show the decrease of emissions from ETS sectors since 2005 and the decreasing emission factors for many sectors mainly due to the increasing share of natural gas and bioenergy, mostly in the power sector.  
Reports   352 / 2021
SNPA activation report in emergency situations
The first report on the activations of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) in emergency situations was developed by ISPRA, with the collaboration of the Network representatives SNPA operational for environmental emergencies based on data relating to events that occurred in 2019.
Reports   351 / 2021
Plants and insect pollination: an alliance for biodiversity
The pollination of flowering plants by animals represents an ecosystem service of great value for humanity, both from an economic point of view and for the benefit of spontaneous and cultivated plants.
Reports   350 / 2021