- First recognition on the presence of dangerous substances in the water bodies in Italy
Reports 34 / 2003
- The accountability system of sanitary waste: a cognitive inquest
Reports 33 / 2003
- The relationships among climate change and vegetable ecosystems
Reports 32 / 2003
- Cognitive activity for the safeguarding of the Lagoon of Venice
Reports 31 / 2003
- The woody biomasses
Reports 30 / 2003
- Benzene emissions in Italy from 1990 to 2000
Reports 29 / 2003
- Analysis of CO2 emission factors in the transport sector
Reports 28 / 2003
- Waste Report 2003
Reports 2003
- Evaluation of environmental monitoring data and networks
Reports 27 / 2002
- Trophic indicators for coastal marine water
Reports 26 / 2002
- Setting up protocols for evaluating toxicity and bioaccumulability
Reports 25 / 2002
- Introduction to the design of the monitoring network for biodiversity and the effects of climate change on the natural environment
Reports 24 / 2002
- Selection of priority substances for water bodies; definitions of quality objectives
Reports 23 / 2002
- Mapping of industrial risk in Italy
Reports 22 / 2002
- Absorption and fixing of carbon in forests and wood products in Italy
Reports 21 / 2002
- The role of packaging in the chain of distribution
Reports 20 / 2002
- The new list of waste and the transposition outlines
Reports 19 / 2002
- Industrial waste. Methodology for calculating production coefficients
Reports 18 / 2002
- Plant protection products in agriculture. Survey on consumption and prediction of environmental risk in an agricultural area of the high Viterbo
Reports 17 / 2002
- Waste from the automobile sector. Sector study
Download the publicationReports 16 / 2002