Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Geosub 94 - International Meeting of Underwater Geology

The volume, which contains the Meeting proceedings, deals with various issues about  Earth Sciences ranging from geomorphology to stratigraphy, from volcanology to geochemistry, from paleontology to archeology, from sedimentology to the Holocenic variations of sea level, to the thematic mapping. The book is supplied by an audiovisual presentation offering a brief report of the Meeting and two documentaries entitled: "Coastal and underwater geomorphology of Capo Palinuro" and "From seabed to cartography".


Cost of the volume: € 52,00 TAX included

Instructions for purchase

Technical Periodicals
Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia
Vol. 52/1996




Introductive relations

Sedimententological aspects

Biological and biochemical aspects

Geochemical aspects

Volcanic areas


Cocco E., De Magistris M.A., Boscaino F., Iacono Y., Tarallo F. - Notes of the underwater geomorphological and geolithological survey of the coastal platform in the area of Mondragone (Campanian Plain, Gulf of Gaeta)

Ferretti O., Immordino F., Ribotti A., Lucido M., Severino V., Buonacore B. - Geomorphological and sedimentological characterization of the Baia di Carini and of the tract off Isola delle Femmine and Capo Gallo (North-Western Sicily)

Ferrini G., Mendicino P., Toccaceli R.M. - Morphostructural features and recent evolution of submarine coastal area of the Dino Island (north-west Calabria, Italy)

Rossi S., Binaghi M.A., Fozzati L. - Subacqueous geomorphology along Olgiasca peninsula in Como Lake (Lombardy, northern Italy)

Orrù P., Badalini M., Melegari G. - Geomorphological investigation of the swath from Mortelle to Palmi (strait of Messina - northern section)

Orrù P., Cocco A., Panizza V. - Subacqueous  geomorphological investigations from Capo Boi to is Cappuccinus (south-eastern Sardinia)

Ortolani F., Toccaceli R.M. - Evidences of coastal deep-seated mass movements n the ground of the morphologic observations on wave-cut notches: the "Cala Longa" case (southeastern margin sudorientale of Bulgheria Mount)

Regnauld H., Fournier J., Gouery P. - Submarine geomorphology and submarine landscapes of rocky platforms preceding cliffs in Brittanny (France)

Cannillo C., Di Gregorio F., Ferrara C., Ibba A. - Geoenvironmental characteristics of coastal dunes of the Porto Pino bay (SW Sardinia)

De Pippo T., Donadio C., Russo F., Sgambati D. - Geomorphological characteristics of the  vesuvian coastline (Campania, southern Italy): reconstruzion of roman coastline

Antonioli A., Puglisi C., Silenzi S. - Morphostratigraphic survey of emerged and submerged coast of nothern portion of Capo Palinuro promontory

Antonioli F., Cinque A., Ferranti L., Romano P. - Emerged and submerged quaternary marine terraces of Palinuro Cape (southern Italy)

Sea level variations

Alessio M., Allegri L., Antonioli F., Belluomini G., Improta S., Manfra L., Preite Martinez M. - The Thyrrenian sea raising curve during the last 43 ka, obtained by means of dating submerged speleothems and archaeological data

Calderoni G., Ortolani F., Pagliuca S., Toccaceli R.M. - Examples of recent geomorphological evolution related to climatic-environmental variations in the submerged area between Sapri and Capo Palinuro (southern Cilento)

Galoppini R., Letta C., Mazzanti R., Taddei M., Tessari R., Viresini L. - Possibility of quantifying ancient sea levels along the coast between Arno and Fine river mouths (Tuscany, Italy)

Galoppini R., Mazzanti R., Taddei M., Tessari R., Viresini L. - The mining activity on Livorno coast and its implications on the ancient sea level

Regnauld H., Gouery P., Fereira O., Salieges J.F., Gomes N. - Paleo-geography of weichsel and holocene shore lines on the Arrabida Coast, central Portugal

De Muro S. - Geomorphological and cronological aspects of submerged holocenic coastlines on the proximal shelf between Capo Ferro and Capo Monti Russi (north-eastern Sardinia, Italy)

Antonioli F., Oliverio M. - Dating of a deep mediterranean submerged speleothem (Capo Palinuro, Italy): biological and holocene sea-level considerations


Antonioli F., Ferranti L., Lo Schiavo F. - The submerged neolithic burials of the Grotta Verde at Capo Caccia (Sardinia, Italy). Implications for the holocene sea-level rise

Antonioli F., Puglisi C., Reitano G., Tusa - Geomorphological evolutions of S. Vito lo Capo promontory (TP) during pleistocene: relationships between neotectonic, eustatism and prehistorical remains

Cocco R., Crimaco L., De Magistris M.A., Gasperretti G. - Preliminary results on the submarine geoarchaeological researches in the area of the ancient roman town of Sinuessa near Mondragone (campanian plain, Gulf of Gaeta)


Taddei Ruggiero E. - Foraminifera of bio- and thanatocoenoses form the submarine Isca cave, Sorrento Peninsula

Short notes

Poster session

Panel discussion

Subscribers list


Antonioli F., Cinque A., Ferranti L., Romano P. - Geological map of Capo Palinuro (Southern Italy)

Antonioli F., Puglisi C., Reitano G. - Geomorfologia costiera del Promontorio di S. Vito Lo Capo (Trapani)

Antonioli F., Puglisi C., Silenzi S. - Geomorfologia costiera e subacquea del versante N-W del Promontorio di Palinuro