Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


From the upper to the lower continental crust exposed in Calabria

86° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana - Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 2012

Outcrops of the pre-Mesozoic basement, representative of the whole Hercynian continental crust are exposed in Calabria. This is the result of Tertiary geological evolution that brought to the surface different crustal levels. This geological field trip aims to provide a general picture of the continental crust that hopefully may represent a reference frame for geochemical, rheological and geophysical models. The itinerary develops in central and southern parts of Calabria, namely in the Serre massif and in the promontories of Capo Vaticano and Monte Sant’Elia. In three days it is possible to examine compositional and structural features across an entire crust section. Thus rocks affected by very low-grade to granulite facies metamorphism and distinctive features of granitoids emplaced at different structural levels will be examined. The effects of the intense thermal perturbation produced by granitoid emplacement are visible both in the upper and in the lower crust, in a sharp metamorphic aureole and in a migmatitic border zone, respectively. Finally, some cases of Paleozoic rocks with strongly partitioned deformation, produced by Tertiary tectonics in the brittle and the ductile domains, can be observed.

DOI 10.3301/GFT.2013.02

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Technical Periodicals
(Periodici Tecnici) Geological Field Trips and Maps
5 (1.2)/2013