Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Quaterly bulletin on research funding in the field of water protection

The European Commission has released €6,4 billion for research and innovation, to help boost growth and jobs; 12% increased budget compared to the 2010 calls and 30% to 2009. This funding, the more remarkable over the time, involves many scientific disciplines, public policies and commercial sectors, and should produce around 165 000 jobs; it is also a long term investment for a more intelligent, sustainable and inclusive Europe and a key element of the “Europe 2020” strategy.

Most calls has been published on july 20th; it will be possible to apply for FP7 in many policy themes. More than €1,3 billion have been allocated for selected scientist from ERC. Marie Curie actions provides €772 million for researchers mobility funding. Particular attention is dedicated to SME, they will benefit around €800 million and, for the first time, specific funds will be provided in many areas. The environmental research will benefit of €205 million. This year the Commission sets up the methods to speed the sharing of environmental research results: the beneficiary can freely divulgate the research publication, after a privacy period.



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