Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee of the 90th Conference of the Italian Geological Society, in agreement with the Governing Council of the Italian Geological Society, has postponed the conference to September 2021. The new dates are from 14 to 16 September 2021 Despite everyone's desire was to be able to hold the conference in the presence at the Trieste Convention Center (TCC) located in the Porto Vecchio of Trieste, the current situation does not allow it to be programmed safely.
It was therefore decided to carry out the Congress remotely using a professional platform
which will allow a degree of interactivity between participants during both oral and poster sessions.
With this new method of participation, the organizing committee is moving to implement the conference, whose motto "Geology Without Borders" is intended to be a wish for an exchange of knowledge between researchers at international level to promote and strengthen Earth Sciences as an increasingly necessary and future-oriented discipline. Earth Sciences should be understood not only as necessary for a better understanding of the interior of the planet Earth, but also as a way to prtect our society from dangerous geological events, for the understanding of climatic variations, for the planning and use of georesources with an ethical approach respecting and protecting the environment.
The conference program is largely aimed at these issues and many interested parties are invited to speak.
We trus in a strong presence of interested parties, who will be able to present the results of their research both in the oral communications of the various sessions and in the poster sessions. As scheduled, plenary events, excursions (as they will take place outdoors), pre and post-conference workshops, as well as a short course on geological mapping, are maintained in the program.
The scientific program has remained unchanged from that of 2020, and we take this opportunity to thank the Scientific Committee and all the co-conveners for the work done, for their patience, and for their renewed willingness to contribute to the success of the Congress.