Italian Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research


Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2023

Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2023 is a statistical report produced by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research(ISPRA) in collaboration with the regional and autonomous province environmental protection agencies as part of the National System for Environmental Protection (SNPA).

Aimed at policymakers, administrators, researchers and citizens, the document describes the state of the environment in Italy using the core set of indicators from the Environmental Indicators Database ( It's a more concise and informative version of the database, with over 300 indicators and consolidated information from 21 different areas. Each Thematic Area is organized with a brief introduction, a summary framework of the indicators identified to illustrate it and, for each of them, graphical representations and in-depth information.

 The topics covered are: Agriculture and forestry, Fisheries and aquaculture, Energy, Transport, Tourism, Industry, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere, Geological hazards, Waste, Economy and the environment, Non-ionizing radiation, Noise, Chemical agents, Environmental assessment and authorization, Environmental certification, Environmental planning tools, Promotion and dissemination of environmental culture, Environment and well-being.

 Fostering the dissemination of environmental knowledge, the report defines the conditions of key environmental matrices, analyses their main factors of pollution or threat, and highlights the effectiveness of the protection measures adopted in accordance with the regulatory objectives set and the main national, European and international strategic programmes.

Publication available only on-line

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State of the Environment