Italian Municipalities focus on green
Mar 17, 2025Published the new ISPRA bookleet on urban nature plans
An analysis that starts from the cities to reflect on a planning tool that is still not very widespread in Italy: the Municipal Green Plan. The study focuses on 10 Green Plans approved by Italian Municipalities starting from 2020: Torino, Vercelli, Bolzano, Padova, Rovigo, Parma, Bologna, Forlì, Livorno, Avellino, where over 2 million people live, and which intends to stimulate a reflection on this important planning tool to make the territories more inclusive and resilient. The analysis is contained in the ISPRA publication “Urban nature Plans: tools to bring nature back into our lives?" promoted and edited by the Institute with the contributions of ANCI, ICLEI and Paolo Pileri. In this publication, ISPRA offers a new vision of the city that combines natural capital and green and blue heritage with the key themes of urban sustainability, through strategies aimed at combining the increase of public greenery with environmental justice, the reduction of land consumption with adaptation to climate change, the care of greenery with active citizenship and public participation.
The ISPRA booklet also provides useful suggestions for overcoming critical issues, acting as a driving force for promoting new interdisciplinary study and research activities and as an incentive for the Green Plan to become, in the coming years, a consolidated and increasingly widespread planning practice among local administrations in Italy.
Press release (ita)