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Tuscano /

Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)

ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 548 - 565



We estimated the population’s exposure to ambient air pollutants in urban areas via a

set of indicators, originally developed as part of the EU/WHO project ECOEHIS and

later used by the European Environmental Agency and Eurostat - Statistics for

sustainable Development - Public Health.

ISPRA annually processes these indicators with progressive improvement of

methodologies and criteria, to meet, based on the available data, the information

needed by the environmental policies.

According to criteria adopted at EU level, indicators related to particulate matter

(PM10 and PM2,5), nitrogen dioxide (NO


) and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) are processed

using the pollutant’s annual mean concentration as a proxy of the exposure

concentration for urban populations. For ground-level ozone (O


), the “days exceeding

the long-term protection value for human health” (120 g/m


, average maximum daily

8-hour mean within a calendar year) have been used. The data used to represent the

indicators in the thematic maps come preferably from urban background stations

and, only if these are not available, from other urban stations.

Environmental data used are provided directly by the Regional Environmental Agencies

(ARPA-APPA), and are usually related to the municipality boundaries, in a few cases

they are related to the extended urban area.

For the year 2014, compared to the previous year, there has been an overall

reduction in the proportion of the population exposed, both to the legal limit, but also,

to the PM’s reference values for WHO. We shall consider that this decrease may

likely depend on favorable weather conditions.


Exposure, Population, Air pollution, Particulate matter, Ozone, Nitrogen dioxide,
