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Lucci et al. / Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)

ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 830 - 840



The New Generation of Local Planning tools, proposed by the National Institute of

Urban Planning as “the forth generation of Italian city planning “, is the result of the

advanced approach adopted by the local Authorities to achieve both the environment

protection and the urban life quality goals. The renewed urban planning national

legislation takes into account the territorial history, the change of the social,

economic and cultural framework and provides a detailed description of all

multidisciplinary aspects involved in the process of transformation of existing cities.

The revolutionary concepts of sustainability made a new territorial governance

philosophy, which entails a multidisciplinary work with a wide participation of citizen

for achieving a sustainable territory adopting integrated planning, looking at the urban

system as a whole. The urban welfare for

social well-being

is of great relevance as it

operates in terms of: redevelopment and regeneration of degraded areas; recovery

of landscape also through sharing of public spaces; research and promotion of

cultural identities; sustainable energy enhancement by means of inclusive policies


The current chapter encompasses data arising from the A21L Project 2015, and

precisely from the 2015 reporting, referred to the 85 local governments sampled by

the XI RAU. Basing on RAU’s previous editions, analysis focused on some of the

themes already considered as indicators. Above all: new generation urban planning

tools, public participation tools, urban welfare tools and measures for a sustainable


The results of monitoring, carried out by the local administrations through a specific

questionnaire, devoted to the local sustainable planning, are available in the database

FILARETE on a website (currently both under renovation) at:

Key words:

Planning tools, Participation, Urban welfare, Sustainable energy.