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Genta et al. / Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)

ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 866 - 914


Environmental sustainability of urban areas is one of the most complex and urgent

challenges of our century. Cities and metropolitan areas, due to their high population

density and the concentration of economic activities, are the main source of pollution

and pressure on the eco system. Nevertheless, within the current development

model, they are also indispensable for the economic growth. The local institutional

communication plays a strategic role, facilitating the participation of citizens,

necessary to the success of environmental policies of sustainability. The importance

of websites and mobile communication is widely acknowledged, as they allow citizens

to interface with the city at any time. Specifically, through the website, citizens can

find out about the environmental initiatives carried out by the administration (waste

recycling, traffic, sustainable mobility, environmental education initiatives, etc.), but

also consult daily bulletins on air quality and other environmental data, access online

services, download documents and publications on environmental issues, contact the

offices involved in urban environment. We are living in the mobile revolution era,

characterized by the advent of smart phones: the municipality today should also follow

the citizens in the most popular “virtual places", using the social networks and

creating useful apps.

A set of indicators was created to study the websites of a sample of Italian

municipalities: SICAW (Tools of Environmental Information and Communication on the

Web), INN7, NAV5, CONT4 and three new indicators dedicated to Social Networking,

Applications and Open data. The high rate of innovation is the reason of the constant

changes to the indicators.


Environmental institutional communication, Smart cities, Local sustainability