
Restoration of the deltaic and marine habitat, combating the proliferation of the blue crab, encouraging its use and consumption
Nov 06, 2024 10:00 AM — Nov 06, 2024 01:00 PM Ecomondo, RiminiThe invasion of the blue crab in the Po Delta has upset the entire venericulture sector in the Upper Adriatic. The predator Callinectes sapidus has upset entire communities of women and men who lived directly or indirectly on clams and who, overnight, found themselves disarmed and unprepared to face an arduous, complicated and difficult challenge. Despite the honorable commitment of all institutions, trade associations, consortia, cooperatives and businesses, today there is a collective awareness that it is necessary to react promptly with dedication, commitment and sacrifices in order to pursue precise operational strategies, well aware of the need to coexist with this crustacean.

The PNRR and circular economy
Nov 06, 2024 10:00 AM — Nov 06, 2024 01:00 PM Ecomondo, RiminiThe National Recovery and Resilience Program has dedicated 2.1 billion euros to improve the efficient and sustainable management of waste and to develop innovative technologies to encourage the circular economy on a national scale, with the aim of filling the gaps structural which, especially in the centre-south, constitute the real obstacle to the development of integrated management. The PNRR is first of all a plan based on objectives and in this sense the approved reforms (National Strategy for the Circular Economy and National Waste Management Programme) are fundamental programmatic tools for public and private operators. The country was able to respond with a high number of projects presented by both the public and private sectors. 2024 is a key year in the implementation of PNRR investments and reforms. The day will be an opportunity to analyze the progress made and any critical issues that have emerged through the comparison between institutions and operators.

ISPRA participates in the CNR's PER24 oceanographic campaign
Oct 24, 2024In the second half of October ISPRA will participate in the PER24 oceanographic campaign with the Gaia Blu research vessel in the southern Adriatic Sea.
The campaign, aimed at carrying out scientific activities to evaluate the changes induced by human activity on marine ecosystems, is part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). PER24 is multidisciplinary and involves various CNR institutes, the University of Marche and other scientific institutes. Its aim is to collect data that can improve the understanding of Good Environmental Status (GES) indicators in biotic and abiotic matrices, and of the processes that modify these GES, following the MSFD guidelines. This profound knowledge will help policy-makers, stakeholders and other operators in the public and private sector to develop intervention methods for improving the environmental state of marine ecosystems.

FAO-ISPRA international workshop for the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning applied to Aquaculture
Oct 29, 2024 — Oct 31, 2024 Rome, FAOFrom 29 to 31 October 2024, the international workshop "Spatial management for aquaculture planning: Defining needs for assisting countries", jointly organized by FAO and ISPRA, will be held in Rome, at the FAO.
The event will bring together some of the main international experts from various countries around the world, ISPRA researchers (BIO-AMC Area) and FAO specialists, offering a unique opportunity for discussion and comparison for the definition of a Roadmap to facilitate planning processes maritime space applied to aquaculture.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between ISPRA and the European Environment Agency for the monitoring service of the national territory of the Copernicus program
Oct 09, 2024 — Oct 09, 2024Last 9 October, on the occasion of the country visit of the European Environment Agency to Italy, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ISPRA and the European Environment Agency, lasting 18 months, with the aim of promote cooperation between the country and the Agency within the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) and defining its modalities. The cooperation activities, which highlight the opportunity to consolidate collaboration with the EEA in the field of information, training and development of monitoring products based on the needs of national users, are part of the framework of the National Collaboration Program that the Entrusted European entities are signing with Member States on the recommendation of the European Commission

Urban ornithological atlases workshop
Nov 29, 2024 — Nov 30, 2024 CremonaTwo days of study on ornithological atlases will be held on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 November 2024 at the Natural History Museum of Cremona, with the participation of scholars from organizations, universities and institutes from all of Italy.
A very important tool for understanding the urban environment and the delicate balances that regulate this complex ecosystem, ornithological atlases allow us to initiate land development management that is attentive to the conservation of emergencies and the naturalistic value of individual cities

The Tsunami Ready recognition was awarded to the Municipality of Minturno
Oct 25, 2024 — Oct 25, 2024 MinturnoThe Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO has recognized Minturno, in the province of Latina, as the first Italian coastal municipality ready to manage the tsunami risk, for having adequately prepared to face a possible event of sudden flooding of the coast following an earthquake, on basis of the correct application of the guidelines disseminated by the Tsunami Ready program promoted by the IOC-UNESCO itself in 2015.

The implementation of the Marine Strategy Directive
Oct 25, 2024 10:00 AM — Oct 25, 2024 01:00 PM WebinarThe Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and Federparchi, in collaboration with ISPRA, are organizing a series of 3 online meetings to disseminate the results of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD Directive 2008/56/EC) and future prospects.
The growing attention for the protection of the Sea, both by community and national institutions, requires moments of verification and in-depth analysis and it is important for protected natural areas to participate and share experiences.
The first of three meetings dedicated to the second implementation cycle of Directive 2008/56/EC carried out in the period 2018-2024 will be held on 25 October, 10 am.
The next two events will take place, again remotely, on 21 November on the theme "Non-indigenous species and the role of citizen science" and on 12 December on "Program and measures of the Marine Strategy, update of the second implementation cycle".

General states of the Green Economy 2024
Nov 05, 2024 — Nov 06, 2024 Rimini, Fiera EcomondoThe States General of the green economy are dedicated this year to the theme "The economy of tomorrow: the Green Deal at the start of the new European legislature", to start a discussion on that package of strategic initiatives that has put the EU on the path of the ecological transition, in the belief that the transition towards climate neutrality can offer significant opportunities for economic growth, new business models and markets, new jobs and technological development.

Published the "Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2023"
Oct 21, 2024The statistical report, produced by ISPRA in collaboration with the agencies for the protection of the regional environment and the autonomous provinces within the National System for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA), describes the state of the environment in Italy through the core set of indicators of the environmental indicators database.
The topics covered are: Agriculture and forestry, Fisheries and aquaculture, Energy, Transport, Tourism, Industry, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Hydrosphere, Geosphere, Geological hazards, Waste, Economy and the environment, Non-ionizing radiation, Noise, Chemical agents, Environmental assessment and authorization, Environmental certification, Environmental planning tools, Promotion and dissemination of environmental culture, Environment and well-being.
The Report, in a more concise and informative form than the database, presents more than 300 indicators and consolidated information content collected in 21 thematic areas.
Each thematic area is organized with a brief introduction, a summary of the indicators identified to illustrate it and, for each of them, graphic representations and in-depth information.
Environment in Italy: an overview. Environmental Data Yearbook 2023

IdroGeo - The Italian platform on hydrogeological instability
Oct 21, 2024The IdroGEO platform allows the consultation, download and sharing of data, maps, reports, documents from the Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy - IFFI, national hazard maps for landslides and floods and risk indicators.

Manta River Project 2, final event
Oct 25, 2024 — Oct 25, 2024The final event of the "Manta River Project 2" project will be held on Friday 25 October 2024, which involves the presentation of the results of the studies for the evaluation of the quantities of microplastics in the Po river.
The presentation of the project results is organized by Adbpo, Arpae Emilia-Romagna and Sapienza University of Rome.
A round table will follow to discuss and bring to attention the problem of microplastic pollution in river water bodies, in the presence of ISPRA, ISS, Legambiente, Federchimica PlasticsEurope Italia, and Corepla.

Kick Off meeting of the AlpsLife Project Observe globally, act locally
Oct 07, 2024 — Oct 08, 2024 BolzanoThe Kick Off meeting of the Interreg Alpine Space project AlpsLife: Protect Alpine Life by monitoring and managing Alpine biodiversity for the future was held on 7 and 8 October in Bolzano. “Observing globally, acting locally”. The project aims to develop a harmonized system for the monitoring and management of biodiversity on an Alpine scale with the aim of ensuring its effective protection in the long term.

ISPRA partecipates to the ARTEMIS project
Oct 16, 2024ARTEMIS aims to promote the restoration and conservation of seagrass meadows in the Mediterranean, thanks to the development and implementation of innovative protocols and through the use of particular financial instruments to support such interventions, such as PES (Payments for Ecosystem Services).
Through four pilot projects in the EU-MED area, ARTEMIS aims to provide tangible results for the valorization of marine natural heritage, with initiatives ranging from the transplantation of seagrass beds in damaged areas to their protection, conservation and maintenance.
ISPRA will contribute to the project as a "scientific partner", making its skills and experience available to the consortium on the restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows, on the evaluation of the ecosystem services provided by these meadows and on the synergies between best practices and governance models which will contribute to achieving the objectives of ARTEMIS.

Meeting on the V.I.A. - Episode nr. 4
Oct 16, 2024Meeting with Margherita Latronico and Marilena Di Stefano from VESTAS
Wind farms are a fundamental asset in the production of renewable energy. Vestas tells us about which targets offshore wind energy production must reach. How do you go about designing a wind farm? Multi-year monitoring is needed to verify the impact on biodiversity, the landscape and the social context. We are talking about 200m high towers with new generation turbines, slow rotation and low noise emissions, with video camera and radar systems connected to acoustic deterrents for fauna. There is also talk of a circular economy, to have zero waste by 2040 in the wind power production chain (design, operations and recovery of materials) and give clean energy to families.

Critical raw materials: interview with the ISPRA General Director on Speciale TG1
Oct 15, 2024On Speciale Tg1 on 15 October, ISPRA General Director Maria Siclari spoke about the importance of critical raw materials which have a strategic value for the economy of the world and Europe and are fundamental to guarantee the functioning of some industrial sectors.
In total there are 76 mines still active in Italy, 22 relating to materials that are included in the list of 34 critical raw materials of the EU. In 20 of these, feldspar is extracted, an essential mineral for the ceramic industry and in 2, fluorite is widely used in the steel, aluminium, glass, electronics and refrigeration industries.

The Cop16 on biodiversity
Oct 21, 2024 — Nov 01, 2024 Cali - ColombiaIn Cali, Colombia, from 21 October to 1 November, the first UN international conference on biodiversity after the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal global framework.
World leaders and scientists will come together to define the future of our planet's ecosystems.
COP16 aims to consolidate the commitments made in 2022 during COP15 (Kunming-Montreal), in which 196 governments from around the world approved the "Global Biodiversity Framework" (GBF): a path whose objective is to arrest and reverse the loss of biodiversity by 2050.
The conference will focus on assessing progress made by countries in implementing the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework, which include conserving 30% of the world's lands and oceans by 2030, reducing pollution and promoting sustainable use of natural resources.
One of the central themes of the COP will be the financial resources needed to achieve the ambitious goals set out in the Global Biodiversity Framework and where and from whom to obtain these resources.
Another important area of negotiation will concern mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on progress towards biodiversity targets. Furthermore, the conference will address issues related to access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use, a principle known as Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS).

"Exe Flegrei 2024" ISPRA participates in the national exercise on volcanic risk
Oct 09, 2024 — Oct 12, 2024From 9 to 12 October, "Exe Flegrei 2024" will take place in Campania, the national exercise on volcanic risk organized by the Department of Civil Protection and the Campania Region, in collaboration with the Municipalities of the red zone, the Prefecture of Naples, the operational structures and competence centers of the Department.

ISPRA participates in the CIRAN Project
Oct 11, 2024Is there a sustainable mining activity? A lot of work is being done in Europe to make this possible and ISPRA has also been participating in this effort since 2023 with the CIRAN project (CrItical RAw materials extraction in enviroNmentally protected areas - HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-03).
Coordinated by INTRAW (International Raw Materials Observatory) in collaboration with the European Geological Services, CIRAN is working to find solutions between low impact environmental alternatives, sustainability strategies and social acceptability in order to identify protocols and guidelines that make the cultivation of those rare and strategic materials indispensable for Europe to complete the energy transition and to deal with the supply problems resulting from the current geopolitical situation.

Mining landscapes of medieval Italy
Oct 17, 2024 — Oct 18, 2024 SienaIn the first part of the conference, starting from the Tuscan case, the Italian regional frameworks relating to the study of the exploitation of mineral resources in the Middle Ages will be presented and discussed.
The second part of the conference will be dedicated, however, to a comparison of the best strategies for the protection and valorisation of Tuscan mining landscapes.

Publication of RETICULA n. 36/2024
Oct 11, 2024Special Issue - Ecological networks in Italy: new experiences and perspectives from national to local level
The number 36 of RETICULA technical journal is now available online.
This issue marks the beginning of the updating of the APAT Guidelines for the Management of functional ecological connection areas (2003), an activity introduced and described in the editorials by the Director of the General Directorate for the Protection of Biodiversity and the Sea of MASE, Francesco Tomas, and the Director of the Department for the Monitoring and Protection of the Environment and for the Conservation of Biodiversity of ISPRA, Luigi Ricci.

ISPRA and SNPA President awarded at the Pianeta Mare Film Festival for his commitment of sea protection
Oct 08, 2024 — Oct 08, 2024 NapoliThe award ceremony of the President of ISPRA and SNPA Stefano Laporta was held on 8 October in Naples as part of the Pianeta Mare Film Festival event.
"I would like to share this award with my colleagues from ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection, who are the beating heart of our activities" declared the ISPRA President.
"It is a particularly welcome award because, having been born in a seaside city like Lecce, I feel the marine environment is mine and represents for me the very essence of life, but also because I receive it in an equally splendid city linked to the sea which it's Naples" said Laporta.
"The Pianeta Mare International Film Festival of Naples is an initiative that makes interaction with the young generations its standard-bearer, and in doing so uses different communication channels and different artistic forms, decisive for carrying forward the theme of the defense of sea and our coasts" concluded the President.

International Day for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction
Oct 13, 2024 — Oct 13, 2024The International Day for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction, known worldwide as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, is celebrated on October 13.
The day was born at the behest of the United Nations General Assembly in 1989.
The objective of establishing this day is to send an important signal to the Governments of all the countries of the world as well as to international organizations and the global population, to reflect on the increasing frequency and consistency with which natural disasters occur.
Among the institutional tasks of ISPRA there is the collection, processing and dissemination of maps and data on hydrogeological instability referring to the entire national territory, making them available to the country for risk prevention and mitigation.
In particular, ISPRA in collaboration with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, creates the Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy, in which, to date, over 634,000 landslides have been recorded, representing 2/3 of those in Europe.

DigitAP Project: At the school of the "rebel" habitats of the Pantelleria Park
Oct 09, 2024On 15 and 17 October the Pantelleria Park will be an open-air laboratory for students from the island's schools. Students will be able to participate in field activities organized as part of the Digitalization of National Parks and Marine Protected Areas project - DiIgitAP - of the specific measure of the PNRR "Ecological transition and green revolution" owned by the Ministry of Environment and Security Energy

Photo contest "Land consumption in Italy 2024"
Oct 09, 2024A shot to tell the story of the change
On the occasion of the presentation of the 2024 edition of the report "Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services" ISPRA wants to involve professionals and amateurs from the world of landscape photography and street photography to witness the effect of land consumption on the territory, of such as new construction sites, buildings, new infrastructures and industrial warehouses, logistics and large-scale retail trade, have changed and continue to profoundly change the layout of the landscape.

Thirty years since the 1994 Piemonte flood: a look at the past, the present, the future
Nov 04, 2024 — Nov 04, 2024 TorinoOn the night between 5 and 6 November 1994, a terrible flood hit the provinces of Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria, on the Tanaro, and the area of Vercelli on the Po. Following this event, an important research activity was started in Piedmont between public bodies responsible for land management, the academic world and professionals to define guidelines for geological studies and to produce rules for the prevention of geo-hydrological risk. The conference is organized by the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Turin, by ARPA Piemonte, by the Italian Society of Environmental Geology (SIGEA) -APS, by CNR IRPI of Turin and by the Regional Order of Geologists of Pemontet and will see the contribution from the Piemonte Region, ISPRA and the Po River Basin Authority with the patronage of the CNG and the various local administrations.

The Hydrographic Units in support of the PNRR-MER projects
Oct 09, 2024In the field of marine protection of the seabed and the restoration of maritime and coastal ecosystems, the Navy has always been a protagonist and continues to demonstrate great presence and commitment. With the new collaboration agreement signed between the Italian Navy (MMI) - Istituto Idrografico della Marina (IIM) and ISPRA, a massive large-scale bathymetric mapping intervention is now underway along the entire Italian coasts. There are many objectives pursued within the project.
Among the most ambitious are the mapping and monitoring of coastal habitats, the updating of the national tide gauge network and the creation of a national network of offshore buoys for the observation of wave motion and marine currents, the restoration of Posidonia meadows oceanica and the use of innovative topographic and bathymetric mapping systems capable of reducing acquisition times and therefore creating new study and work opportunities.

Mining activities in the Mediterranean basin: State of the Art
Oct 18, 2024 — Oct 19, 2024 IglesiasThe Sardegna Mining Association, in collaboration with the Order of Engineers of the Province of Cagliari, the Order of Geologists of Sardegna and the Order of Industrial Experts of Cagliari, is organizing the symposium "Mining activities in the Mediterranean basin: State of the Art". The new European legislation on critical raw materials, recently implemented by the Italian government and parliament.

Sinkholes and Underground Cavities in the municipality of Ardea
Oct 05, 2024 — Oct 05, 2024 ArdeaThe project, led by ISPRA in collaboration with the University of Tuscia and the “Sotterranei di Roma” Association, aims to carry out a census of the underground cavities present in the urban subsoil, with the aim of mitigating the risk associated to sinkholes (sudden chasms on the surface).
During the meeting, the details of the activities already started were illustrated, including investigations in the area and collaborations with local associations and scholars in the sector.

Tor Caldara Regional Nature Reserve. Geodiversity, biodiversity and history
Oct 03, 2024The reportage on the Tor Caldara Nature Reserve created by ISPRA highlights the relationship between geodiversity and biodiversity. Minerals, rocks, fossils, soils, sediments, landforms, as well as the geological and morphogenetic processes that occur on Earth and the hydrological elements that characterize it, such as rivers and lakes, constitute in fact not only the characterizing elements of landscapes, but also the basis on which biodiversity can thrive.