Flori /
Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)
ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 248 – 265
Territorial governance can be improved and strengthened through strategic planning,
to pass from a system of “command and control” (direct regulation through the
application of obligations and prohibitions) to another of “choosing and sharing”
(programming based on choice and sharing of objectives and strategies used to
achieve them).
To fight the indiscriminate use of soil is necessary to intervene in urban planning by
applying the philosophy of non-expansion, that is the assessment and recovery of
existing assets.
Very important is the continuous monitoring of the effects that the plan actions can
have on the environment during the life of the plan. This is accomplished through the
application of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
In Italy there are presently few examples of urban planning supported by SEA, most in
northern regions: Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto and partly Toscana (although
12 regions have within their zoning laws an explicit reference to the application of
SEA to urban planning).
The age of the planning tools is as follows: out of 85 cities, 63 have a plan
adopted/approved after 2000 (40 between 2000 and 2010, 23 after 2010), 7 from
1990 to 1999 and 15 cities have a plan prior to 1990, of which 2 in the 60’s.
The present study focuses on the plan of the city of Venezia, which replaced the old
General Development Plan of 1996 with a Structure Area Plan approved in October
2014, after having had favorable judgment for the application of SEA in February
The plan considers the strategy of completion and conversion of existing buildings,
planning for new interventions mostly relating to works already planned, approved and
contracted. The present study shows in detail the demographic municipal trend, 3
cases of population growth forecast to 2020 and the description of the principles
applied to the plan of equalization and compensation, with a summary of the surface
transformed on the basis of the forecasts of Structure Area Plan.
Urban growth, Recovery, Open plan