Iadanza et al. / Frane nelle aree urbane
Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)
ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 196 – 204
The indicator Landslides in urban areas provides a general overview of the landslides
in the municipal territory of the 85 urban areas. The input data used for the
development of the Indicator are: the Italian Landslide Inventory (
Progetto IFFI
realized by ISPRA and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, the census tracks and
municipal boundaries ISTAT 2011, the ISPRA National very high resolution soil sealing
map. The number of landslides in the municipality, the municipal territory and the
urban area interested by landslides, and the population exposed to landslides have
been calculated. The landslides within the territory of the 85 municipalities are
13,519, interesting an area of 390 km
. The mean landslide density, which is the
ratio of the area interested by landslides and the total area of the municipalities is
2.3%. Twenty-nine of the 85 municipalities, mainly characterized by plain territory,
have a very low landslide hazard. Genoa, Ancona, Catanzaro, Perugia and Trento have
the highest values of the urban area interested by landslides. The total population
exposed to landslides in the 85 municipalities is estimated at 76,316 inhabitants.