Research and Innovation
Five RDI themes are described below, following the definition presented in the vision document
of the Water JPI:
1. Maintaining ecosystem sustainability;
2. Developing safe water systems for the citizens;
3. Promoting competitiveness in the water industry;
4. Implementing a water-wise bio-based economy; and
5. Closing the water cycle gap.
Each theme represents a specific aspect of the grand challenge for which multi- and interdisci-
plinary research and innovation are required. Themes are therefore challenge driven. The ex-
pected social, economic, technological, environmental and policy impacts are outlined.
Descriptions present the transition from a challenge-driven theme to specific RDI disciplines,
methodologies and tools. Themes are divided into sub-themes. For each of them, specific, non-
prioritised RDI needs and objectives have been identified, and are presented in a Table format.
Some of the RDI objectives proposed here are linked to other RDI needs and objectives as RDI
activities and outputs from the latter may be of interest for the former. Those linkages are
shown between brackets when relevant.