Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
1.1.1 Developi ng approaches for assessi ng
and optimisi ng ecosystem serv ices and the ecol ogi ca l
functi oni ng of ecosystems
- Understanding and quantifying the ecological functioning of ecosys-
- Developing an ESS approach based on this better understanding and
quantification of the ecological functioning of ecosystems.
- Developing indicators and other monitoring schemes regarding the
good functioning of aquatic ecosystems in support of the WFD. De-
veloping the next generation of monitoring schemes and indicators
of the good functioning of aquatic and riparian ecosystems.
- Developing new bio-assessment tools and validation methodologies.
- Understanding the role of biodiversity as a driver of ecosystem re-
- Assessing the role of aquatic ecosystems in the global bio-geo-
chemical cycle.
1.1.2 Test ing methodo log ies for the va luat i on
of ecosystems serv ices
- Developing and applying harmonised databases and new methodolo-
gies for assessing and mapping the social, economic and environ-
mental value of water ESS.
1.1.3 I ntegrat ing ecosystem serv ices
i nto water resources management
- Developing meta-ESS by overcoming the existing fragmentation of
responsibilities and the dispersion of knowledge between disciplines.
- Aligning the monitoring and reporting frameworks through ecosys-
tem approaches.
- Developing innovative water-management schemes.
- Adopting an ESS approach to the role of agriculture, forestry and
aquaculture to allow for careful planning in the use of water re-
sources while addressing the needs of local users. A comprehensive
monetary and social evaluation of all secondary services provided by
all agents is required.