RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
1.3.3. Improvi ng water management to mit igate the harmful
impacts of ext reme events (ext reme weather events , im-
paired water qua lity)
- Diagnosing droughts, floods and impaired water quality as a result of cli-
mate change. Developing people-centered monitoring and EWS, including
both expert and local knowledge. Relevant questions include: Is local
knowledge concerning hazards and impacts reliable enough? What are the
main limitations of local knowledge regarding natural phenomena? How to
overcome these limitations? How to better integrate local and scientific
knowledge? How to deal with the different time and spatial scales?
- Setting up risk-management strategies taking into account socio-eco-
nomic needs, environmental dynamics/risks and land use in areas vul-
nerable to droughts and floods. Key stakeholders should be involved in
setting up such strategies.
- Maximising the reliability of projections of precipitation at various spatial
and time scales.
- Improving the short-to-medium term forecasting of related extreme
- Preparing strategies for better tackling extreme weather events through
the collection and analysis of post-disaster data (including
- Developing integrated modelling across surface water and groundwater,
coastal and fluvial systems, hydrological and meteorology, water and
sediment transport.
- Improving existing hydrodynamic models coupled with the development
of a monitoring scheme adapted for aquifers in order to improve the
quantitative management of the resource.
- Assessing the role of aquatic systems in nutrient and carbon fluxes and
other global biochemical cycles in response to climate change and ex-
treme events.
1.3.4. Managing mult iple pressure-impact li aisons on ecosys-
- Supporting experimental research (e.g. microcosms) to quantify multiple
impacts on ecosystems.
- Understanding the resilience of ecosystems to multiple pressures.
- Assessing risks related to multiple pressures on ecosystems and devel-
oping innovative risk-management approaches..
Medium to Long