Binder1 - page 33

Expected Theme Impacts
Descri pti on
3.3.1 Developing Market-Oriented Solutions
for the Water Industry
This subtheme focuses on the development of robust, smart and cost-effective technological
solutions in each of the areas described below:
• Water distribution and measurement. The analysis of water conveyance networks around the
world provides evidence of large differences in leakage rates. As a consequence, there is
room for improvement in network performance in Europe and worldwide. Technological solu-
tions include the monitoring of water losses and flow meters adapted to different accuracy
requirements and water quality standards. Telemetry and remote control are commonly used
in these type of applications, but standardisation and interoperability remain an issue.
• Overall solutions for water treatment and reuse. Wastewater treatment and reuse is a key
research topic in response to the challenge of an increasing demand resulting from population
growth, agricultural and forest production and climate change. Water scarcity and the need
to protect natural resources are the main drivers for the development of innovative water
treatment and reuse technologies in water-scarce areas. Potential applications of reclaimed
water include agricultural and landscape irrigation, groundwater recharge, industry and, in
specific cases, potable use.
Descr ipt i on
Smart water technologies will contribute to societal well-being
through better human health as a result of better water quality. More
water resources will be available for societal uses, particularly in low-
water quality, water-scarce and drought-vulnerable areas. Social ac-
ceptance of reused waste will improve significantly.
Bring major business opportunities inside and outside Europe, setting
the ground for sustained economic growth and industrial leadership.
RDI activities will contribute to sustaining the competitive advantage
of Europe, reducing innovation time to market. Water-energy nexus
will be entirely understood and energy costs saved.
More reused wastewater will be available for agricultural and indus-
trial uses; groundwater storage will increase. The current European
leadership in water treatment for urban and industrial purposes will
be supported.
Water technology will contribute to improving the status of water
bodies in quantitative and qualitative terms. Natural resources will
be used in a more efficient way.
A number of European and national policies will be streamlined to
support market uptake of water Innovations. Water policies (WFD)
will be indirectly supported by RDI activities on this theme.
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