Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
T ime frame
4.1.1. Implementi ng e ff ic i ent water -use systems and prac-
t i ces for the European and overseas ma rkets
- Developing, testing and evaluating innovative and efficient irrigation
systems and practices combining crop water requirements, crop physi-
ology, ground-based sensors, imagery satellite, ICT, and expert systems.
Resource efficiency will be extended to the use of energy and agrochem-
icals (i.e., fertigation). Systems will be developed for different develop-
ment environments to ease access to a variety of markets.
4 .1. 2. Deve l op i ng wat er -conserv i ng farmi ng and forest ry
pract ices and var iet ies
- Developing techniques, based on biological materials, to improve the
management of soiled water on farms and outside the farm gate.
Designing water-efficient, cost-effective farming/forestry techniques and
technologies supporting water conservation and efficiency.
L ink with
- Assessing more water-efficient and/or salinity-tolerant crops and
forestry species and varieties.
- Evaluating the application of organic materials and other amendments
to improve soil properties related to water.
4.1.3. Sett i ng up water- val uing schemes for agr icul ture and
forest ry
- Establishing new criteria for valuing water in agriculture and forestry.
- Developing appropriate tools and guidelines for estimating the associ-
ated environmental resource costs.
4.1.4. Progressing towards future-proof agricultural water use
- Analysing the effect of future climatic conditions and water availability
on agriculture and forestry through the use of experimentation and in-
tegrated models.
- Designing future agriculture and forestry systems under climate change
conditions and water resources availability.
Li nk wi th 4.1. 4.