Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
T ime frame
4.2.1. Develop ing sustainabl e product ion systems
Developing monitoring schemes and indicators, assessment methods and
management tools to identify, quantify and minimise agricultural and for-
est pollution sources as well as to assess impacts caused by pollution.
Reducing diffuse and point source pollution caused by agrochemicals,
mineral fertilisers and manure. This will require the development of cost-
effective, easy-to-access and adaptive technologies, including (among
others) manure separation, and treatment and energy recovery technol-
ogy, irrigation, precision farming, regulated drainage and an adapted man-
agement of buffer strips.
Preventing water-related soil degradation, including salinity, erosion,
structural degradation, compaction, oxidation of organic soils, among
Developing new, integrative simulation models for soil, water and crop
management providing agrochemicals dynamics in soil and water to build
effective tools for decision-making on natural resources and policy sup-
L ink with 4.1.2.
4.2.2. Des ign ing measures underpi nni ng water and land -use
poli ci es.
Link with 4.1.3 and 4.1.4.
Developing methodologies to define appropriate monitoring scales and
locations for policy development/assessment.
Comparing combinations of context-specific, cost-effective, acceptable
measures to reduce water pollution from agriculture and forestry in var-
ious climatic and pedological conditions.
Delineating specific policy target areas and designing measures, as well
as their effectiveness.
4 .2. 3. Overcomi ng bar r i er s prevent i ng wate r reuse i n i r r i-
gated agri cu lture and forestry
Understanding, managing and communicating the potential reuse of
water in agriculture and forestry.
Harmonising and establishing standards on water reuse in irrigated agri-
culture and forestry throughout Europe.
Li nk wi th 3.1. 6.
Assessing social perceptions, costs, water quality, technical and safety