Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
5.2.1. I ntegrat i ng economi c and soc i a l ana lyses i nto dec i-
sion-maki ng processes
Improving baseline economic information and communication tools and
methodologies for local decision-makers.
Adapting to hydro-climatic extremes (droughts and floods): Risk-based
decision-making and planning tools including socio-economic sciences, ef-
fective communication and conflict resolution.
Li nk with 2.2.2 and
Understanding the conditions for efficiency of current economy-based
instruments such as pricing policies (financial and fiscal instruments) and
related policy instruments (e.g. subsidies for agriculture). Providing in-
sight on the transaction costs resulting from the implementation of the
WFD measures (cost-effective analysis of measures, assessing dispro-
portionality of costs to justify exemptions, water pricing and assessing
cost-recovery level of water services).
5.2.2. Reconnect ing soc io- economic and ecol og ical issues
Widening the current knowledge base on the existing relationships be-
tween good ecological status, biodiversity and ecosystem services. De-
veloping methodologies for valuation of and payment for ecosystem
services, including tangible and intangible services.
L ink wi th 3. 1. 1
and 5.1.7.
Examining the water footprints of major European imported commodities
to determine where there are supply-chain vulnerabilities, which might
usefully be addressed through innovation in respect of water. Engage
with the agenda on the life cycle water footprint labelling of products.