Binder1 - page 54

Name of the JP I
Rel evant Water JPI ’s subtheme and research needs
2.1 Emerging pollutants: assessing their effects on nature
and humans, their behaviour and treatment opportunities
Research, Devel opment and I nnovati on needs:
2.1.2. Disinfection by-products, emerging pollutants and pathogens,
including their environmental effects
1. 3. Manag i ng the e f fects of hydro- c l imat ic ext reme
events and mul ti ple pressures on ecosystems
Research, Devel opment and I nnovati on needs:
1.3.1. Understanding the causes of drought/scarcity; predicting
drought events and water scarcity
1.3.2. Developing innovative (or improved) tools for the protection
and prevention of hydro-climatic extreme events
1.3.2. Improved water management to mitigate the harmful impacts
of extreme events
2.2. Min imi si ng r isks assoc iated wi th wate r inf rast ruc-
tures and natural hazards
Resea rch , Devel opment and I nnovat i on needs : Towards
urban flood proof cities
2.2.4. Assessing the impact of water scarcity on safe drinking water
3.1. Developing market-oriented solutions for water industry
Research, Devel opment and I nnovati on needs:
3.1.3. Promoting innovative approaches to asset management
5.2. Strengthening soci o-economic approaches to water
Research, Devel opment and I nnovati on needs:
5.2.1. Integrating economic and social analyses into decision-making
4. 1. Improv i ng wate r use ef f i c i ency for a susta i nab l e
bi o-economy sector
Research, Devel opment and I nnovati on needs:
4.1.4. Progressing towards future-proof agricultural water use
5.1. Enabling sustainable management of water resources
Research, Devel opment and I nnovati on needs:
5.1.2. Promoting adaptive water management for global change
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