Name of the JP I
Rel evant Water JPI ’s subtheme and research needs
1.1. Developing approaches for assessing and opt imising
ecosystem approaches
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
1.1.1. Developing approaches for assessing and optimising ecosys-
tem services and the ecological functioning of ecosystems
1.1.2. Testing methodologies for the valuation of ecosystem serv-
1.1.3. Integrating ecosystem services into water resources manage-
1. 2. I ntegrated approaches : devel opi ng and app l y i ng
ecologi cal engineeri ng and ecohydro logy
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
1.2.1. Establishing pressure-impact relationships in aquatic and ri-
parian ecosystems
1.2.2. Understanding the impacts of pressures on the terrestrial and
aquatic interface
1. 3. Manag i ng the e f fect s of hydro-c l imat i c ext reme
events and mul t iple pressures on ecosystems
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
1.3.4. Managing multiple pressure-impact liaisons on ecosystems
3.1. Devel oping market-ori ented sol ut ions for the water
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
3.1.6. Developing water reuse and recycling technologies and con-
4. 1. Improv ing wate r use ef f i c i ency for a sust ai nab l e
bi o-economy sector
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
4.1.1. Implementing efficient water-use systems and practices for
the European and overseas market
4.1.2. Developing water-conserving farming and forestry practices
and varieties
4.1.3. Setting up water-valuing schemes for agriculture and forestry
4.1.4. Progressing towards future-proof agricultural water use
4.2. Reduci ng so il and water poll ut ion
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
4.2.1. Developing sustainable production systems
5. 1. Enab li ng susta inabl e management of wate r re -
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
5.1.2. Promoting adaptive water management for global change
1. 3. Manag i ng the e f fect s of hydro-c l imat i c ext reme
events and mul t iple pressures on ecosystems
Research, Development and I nnovati on needs :
1.3.3. Improving water management to mitigate the harmful im-
pacts of extreme events