Binder1 - page 57

The second stakeholder workshop of the Water JPI will be organised during the first semester
of 2015. This second workshop will be more targeted than the first one, emphasising specific
areas requiring further analysis.
A public consultation was launched from 28 March to 30 April 2014. The consultation, in the
form of an online questionnaire, allowed the wider public to express their views on the impor-
tance and urgency of each of the RDI needs identified during the ‘collection and processing of
information about water RDI context and trends’ activity. A total of 637 responses was re-
ceived. The results of the first public consultation will be used for structuring working groups
so that more balanced groups (in terms of gender, affiliation and country of origin) are created.
The Water JPI Advisory Boards and a selection of European experts and governmental repre-
sentatives will discuss the agenda content and propose priorities. A second public consultation
will be launched in the first semester of 2015. In this case, the target will be to reach out to
more categories of stakeholders, with a better coverage of Europe. The questionnaire will be
designed for a faster and more complete uptake of the information in SRIA 2.0.
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