Binder1 - page 48

water quantity and quality will be sought, in the search for the integrated understanding which
can lead to operational management tools for complex, changing environments. Innovative con-
cepts such as Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) or Soil-Aquifer Treatment (SAT) are increas-
ingly being used to manage and store water in water-scarce areas. A number of similar solutions
have been locally developed over the centuries depending on the source and availability of
water, demand, geology and socio-economic structure. These methods are being widely re-ap-
plied and developed using current technologies. However, examples of quantified assessments
of their effectiveness are limited. Improved understanding of how recharge structures actually
function and the impact they have on water availability, water quality, sustainability and the
local and downstream environment, need to be gained and disseminated to promote cost-ef-
fective implementation.
Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
T ime frame
5.1.1. Promot ing wate r RDI inf rast ructures
Establishing a European research infrastructure supporting up-scaling of
water flow (runoff and groundwater), reactive transport and ecosystems
to the relevant scale in order to facilitate policy implementation and as-
sist scientists worldwide. Research infrastructure can be physical infra-
structure (e.g. experimental catchments or field labs) or virtual
databases/exchange platforms (to guarantee long-term records). Data-
bases should be comprehensive, easy to access and interoperable. Ad-
vances in the up-scaling of theories and tools are needed.
5 .1. 2. Promot i ng adapt i ve water management for gl obal
Assessing the impacts of extreme weather events and global change on
the water cycle and uses.
Developing and testing improved plans and methodologies for adaptive
water management in relation to global change. Methodologies will be
tested on relevant cases using scenario development, uncertainty as-
sessments and pilot experiments.
5.1.3. Implement ing Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)
Development of MAR projects: Planning, operation, risk assessment and
management. RDI activities will lead to mitigation of groundwater over-
abstraction and degradation of groundwater resources by providing
guidelines, supporting a harmonised legislation and by providing tools for
risk assessment.
to Medium
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