Binder1 - page 38

Currently Identified Needs
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
T ime frame
3.2.1. Remov ing barr ier s to innovat ion
- Exploring regulatory, governance, education and management condi-
tions that contribute to removing barriers to innovation, considering i.e.
the impact or effect of the price of water.
- Reducing the time to market of building demonstrators in order to close
the gap between research-related demonstration and market-opening
- Removing bottlenecks such as limited institutional capacity to formulate
and institutionalise recycling and reuse measures, to tackle inadequate
policies or to overcome the lack of financial incentives.
- Developing indicators measuring the social value of innovations in the
water sector.
- Implementing effective policy and management frameworks that pave
the way to the market uptake of innovative technologies.
- Developing management models for new technological solutions to sup-
port sustainable operations, maintenance and market uptake.
Link with
- Favouring knowledge transfer from other scientific fields regarding key
lessons in the commercialisation of marketing products. Supporting the
transfer of relevant results from other scientific fields for their applica-
tion in the water RDI domain.
- Understanding the requirements driving the social adoption of innova-
tions by integrating technical and social sciences and humanities re-
search and innovation, by involving stakeholders at the adequate levels
and scales of participation and by enabling large-scale socio-technical
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