Binder1 - page 30

RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
2.2.3. Improv ing water systems per formance
Developing technologies for the monitoring of water losses and water
consumption, including the localisation and repair of leaks in live systems.
Developing solutions for decentralised treatment and water management
(wastewater and storm water).
Promoting the sustainable use of storm waters and groundwater, and
drainage in cities. Promoting innovative separation and extraction tech-
nology pilot projects in industrial zones to harvest resources from waste-
water and reused water.
2.2.4. Assessing the impact of water sca rc ity on sa fe dri nk-
ing water
Developing and setting up technological and managerial solutions to
urban droughts.
Producing integrated systems for the prediction and risk management of
urban water scarcity.
Developing smart innovations to tackle water scarcity in the city.
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