Binder1 - page 26

Expected Theme Impacts
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This theme faces the social water challenges directly, as it addresses
the protection of human life, health and assets. The international
profile of the topic contributes to alleviating water challenges inside
and outside Europe, where most of the global population increasingly
lives in urban areas.
As an indicator of the relevance of managing urban water systems,
the World Business Council for Sustainable Development estimated
that OECD nations need to invest at least US$200 billion per year to
replace ageing water infrastructure to guarantee supply, reduce leak-
age rates and protect water quality.
This theme needs technological innovation in terms of
chemical/physical and biological tools and EWS to detect and prevent
natural, chemical and biological risks and to enhance the resilience
of urban water systems.
Emerging pollutants and accidents related to urban water infrastruc-
ture status or management result in relevant environmental con-
cerns. Urban floods have similar effects, as in storm water-retention
ponds or water-treatment plants. Reduce the impact of emerging
pollutants on water bodies.
Understanding the fate and behaviour of emerging pollutants in
water bodies, and improving urban network performance and re-
silience to floods will support the implementation and refinement of
specific policies. While a number of European policies gravitate
around this theme, it is important to recall the numerous national
and local policies both in Europe and in other countries targeted for
the deployment of these technologies (WFD, Blueprint, Directive
2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks and
national policies).
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