Binder1 - page 21

RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
1.2.5. Manag ing the ri sks caused by ali en spec ies
- Understanding the impacts of alien species on river balance, notably on
water quality (dilution capacity, nutrient cycles, and chemistry of the bio-
- Developing techniques for the long term removal of alien species and
to restore infested river bed material (gravel, pebbles…) with a minimum
impact on river ecology.
1.2.6. Under standi ng the implicat ions of ecological f lows
Quantifying the ecological flow in order to enable the good functioning
of ecosystems while ensuring water availability for different uses. Esti-
mating ecological (or environmental) flow for different fauna and flora
L ink wi th 1.2.2.
Improving the theoretical background to quantify the effects of different
flow regimes on ecosystems using hydraulic, hydrological and ecological
data and models.
1.2. 7. Cha ract er i si ng hydrau l i c connect i v i ty among water
bodi es
Analysing hydrochemical and microbial dynamics along flow lines (surface
water and groundwater).
Li nk wi th 1.2. 2.
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