Binder1 - page 37

3.3.2 Enhancing the Regulatory Framework
Economic instruments can play an important role in assessing the economic value of water re-
sources, in evaluating the efficiency of protection measures, in quantifying their impact on
users, in developing new concepts on water management (cap and trade, quotas), and in en-
hancing the use of new technological solutions. However, limited access to appropriate forms
of finance can be a restraint to water-related innovations. New frameworks aimed at protecting
the economic value of European industries as well as to better anticipate regulation and adap-
tation needs are requested in order to minimise existing risks when developing or adapting new
technologies in the water sector. There is also a need to explore various factors in the fields of
education, regulation and governance regarding innovations (risk versus reward) in order to re-
move such bottlenecks.
RDI needs and rel ated ob jecti ves
Time frame
3.1.7. Recover ing products from t reatment pl ants
Concept of treatment plants as producers of valuable resources (like nu-
trients [phosphate], sludge, bioplastics, heating metals [from brines])
through sustainable processes.
Developing holistic control approaches aimed at optimising water quality,
energy and resources recovery.
L ink wi th 3.1.2 and 3.14.
Generating technologies aimed at reducing gas emissions in treatment
plants (and their associated odours and toxicity). Developing new, eco-
friendly materials; supporting sustainable management of urban waste
and recycling of raw materials to produce energy from waste and bio-
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