Fumanti et al. /
Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)
ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 206 – 219
The indicator measures existing and abandoned mining activities of first (mines) and
second (quarries) category minerals according with the definitions of RD 1443/27.
Mining activities, even if in significant decline during last years, played a central role
in the national economy, originating at the same time an important source of
environmental degradation, both in mining operations that for problems related to
land use of abandoned quarries/mines.
The deterioration of mining buildings (washeries, tubs for crushing and floatation,
galleries) may originate underground or superficial collapses mainly in abandoned
mines, considering their presences concentrated away from urban areas.
The partitioning of duties, established by the transfer of responsibility to the regions
for extractive industries, has generated an irregular information delineating a not
clear national framework. Data related to disused mining sites are also missing, both
for the lack of disused/abandoned/illegally inventories and for different way to conduct
censuses by regions/provinces. For these reason, in order to harmonize the available
information, an annual survey ISTAT-ISPRA has been started within the National
Statistics Plan.
Mining activities, Quarries, Mines