Aversa et al. /
Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)
ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 720 - 745
In 2013 road accidents decreased from the previous year nationwide; among the 85
municipalities considered in the study, about 56% followed the same
while the
remaining 44% reported an increase. Even in 2013 the largest number of accidents
occurred in urban areas (about 75% of total accidents), with 42% deaths and 72%
injuries. Particular attention is focused on the problem of vulnerable road users
(pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists). On a national bais, the number of deaths
and injuries related to vulnerable road users accounted for 44% of the total number
of dead and injured people. This ratio grows to 48% in the 85 considered
municipalities. For this reason, many of them have decided to establish 30 km/h
Zone, urban areas where the speed limit was reduced from 50 to 30 km/h, with the
aim to pursue a greater livability and quality of urban spaces, as well as to reduce the
risk of road accidents, especially for vulnerable road users.
Road accidents, Deaths, Injuries,
Vulnerable road users, 30 km/h Zone