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Sacchetti et al. /

Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)

ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 760 - 807



Indicators explain the implementation state of noise assessment and management tools in

urban areas: Acoustic Classification Plan of Municipality; Noise Biennal Report, Noise

Abatement Plan

of Municipality; they also concern the control activities, carried on in

order to verify the compliance with noise limit values in force


Noise Controls, Exceeded

Regulatory limits, and the study of people exposed to noise levels: Studies on people

exposed to noise levels.

Considering the available data, referring to the 2014, Acoustic Classification Plan of

Municipality has been adopted in 58 of 85 cities considered, expressing a percentage of

68%. Noise Biennal Report on acoustic state of Municipaliy, mandatory for Municipalities

having more of 50.000 inhabitants, has been developed in 13 of 80 cities with a

population exceeding 50.000 inhabitants, considered in this Report, and Noise

Abatement Plan of Municipality has been approved in 14 cities of the 85 analized


Studies on people exposed to noise levels introduces studies carried out in accordance

with Directive 2002/49/EC requirements, and also studies carried out using other

methods. According to these assumptions, 33 cities have undertaken studies about the

people exposed to noise levels. The prevalent noise source in urban areas is the road

traffic, with a percentage of people exposed even more of 40%, referring to the noise

values ranges of Lden 65-69 dB(A).

Considering Noise Controls, wich show a decrease referred to the previous year (-

17%), 1.332 noise control activities have been carried out, 94% of which occurred

as a result of public complaints. Related to Exceeded Regulatory limits, 52% of the

inspections carried out have exceeded their regulatory limit values.

Slight deviations

have to be highlighted, compared with data of 2013, which show the persistence of a

state of insufficient implementation of legal instruments, while a decrease in control

activities must be underlined.


Noise, Acoustic planning, Noise assessment