Chiesura et al. / Qualità dell’ambiente urbano – XI Rapporto (2015)
ISPRA Stato dell’Ambiente 63/15 pagg. 272-286
The paper analyzes the state of the art of public urban green areas and their
typological composition for the 85 major Italian cities, with a specific overlook on 12
new considered municipalities. The aim is to give a quantitative and qualitative
analysis of urban and periurban green infrastructure.
Data on relative cover of urban green areas show a static trend over the time period
considered (2011-2013), with values < 5% found in the majority of cities sample (64
out of 85). In absolute terms, however, low percentages do not necessarily mean low
availability of green spaces: 2,5 % of urban green in Cuneo, for example, corresponds
to 3 millions m
Availability of green spaces per inhabitant is > 30 m
/ab in about half of the cities
sample (38 out of 85, Cuneo and Pavia included), with relative high values found for
Matera, Trento and Potenza, due to the presence of broad naturalistic and wooden
areas in these cities.
As far as the typological composition of urban green is concerned, the analysis shows
the prevalence of areas classified as “historic green”, areas with high social values
and cultural heritage, representing more than 50% of total urban green in 8 cities
(Pavia included), with the maximum value found for Matera (98,8%), due to the
presence of the Chiese Rupestri Historical and Archeological Park, which has also a
high conservation value, being a natural protected area and a Natura 2000 site.
Another important green typology appears to be represented by wooded areas,
especially in cities close to mountain chains, but also in plains (Rovigo, for example,
with almost 21% of total green classified as wooden land.
Urban and periurban green infrastructure, Usability, Typologies of green spaces,
Urban landscape